Get SAVINGS At - CI Forest Products
Yes, we have had COST SAVINGS be the main reason, and it remains our biggest reason why people buy from CI Forest Products. With BIG SAVINGS! We won't stop there. When it comes to our product quality and customer service experience you will also see why they are reasons number two and three of why our customers come back and tell others about us and why others seek out our products.
See for yourself how we stack up compared to our competitors, and you will know why our customers come back to CI Forest Products. ALL PRODUCTS ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL, See the comparisons!

21% Beefier + 5% More Coverage=
Less Dollar$ & Less Labor
Save Big $$ Over our Competition on
2 x 8 Hand Hewn
1/4 Log Siding

10% Beefier + 5% More Coverage=
Less Dollar$ & Less Labor
Big Saving$$ Over the Competition on
3x 8 Hand Hewn
1/2 Log Siding

Compare the Size Difference:
{Click image for larger view}
CIFP The Competitors
Stack Height: 7 1/4” Stack Height: 7”
Thickness: 1 3/4” Thickness: 1 3/8”
Compare the Price Difference @ Regular Price
7 1/4” Profile=3,312 LF 7” Profile=3,560 LF
Compare the Size Difference:
{Click image for larger view}
CIFP The Competitors
Stack Height: 7 1/4” Stack Height: 7”
Thickness: 2 3/4” Thickness: 2 1/2”
Compare the Price Difference
7 1/4” Profile=3,368 LF 7” Profile=3,480 LF
Save With Our Cedar Log Profiles
Natural Northern White Cedar Wood Products Savings Example:
In this example, you could SAVE $2,185.00 over the Competition Even at the Same LF Price
Compare the Price Difference on 3,400 Sq Ft/ 3 x 8 Log Siding
CI Forest Products Industry Standard
7 ¼” Profile=5,627 LF @ $3.29 LF=$18,512.00 7” Profile=5,814 LF @$3.56=$20,697.00
The Greatest Value to You:
• Save 15% over Industry standards.
• Get 10% more log and 5% more coverage with CIFP’s profile.
• Cockburn Island, Where all our harvested timber comes from, with its mineral-rich lime-based soils produces the highest quality white cedar possible.
"Almost Zero Product Waste" with T&G / End Matched Cedar Log and Paneling Profiles
CI Forest Products natural Northern White Cedarwood products savings continue when it comes to the finished milled product at the time of application to your project.